Sustainable interior design is the set of decoration and room distribution practices that seek to optimize the use of materials and reduce energy consumption to the minimum necessary. It is, therefore, an interior design committed to the environment but without sacrificing comfort.
In recent years, there has been a growing importance for this type of interior design to become widespread. Not in vain, the 2030 Agenda emphasizes sustainability as a generic objective and concepts such as circular economy. This makes it necessary to adopt some measures to make it a reality.
How can this joint goal of good interior design and sustainability be achieved? There are a number of very useful generic guidelines.
Use of proximity materials
The use of local materials is one of the basic premises for success and sustainability. And it basically consists of adapting, as far as possible, to the natural production of the area. If oak wood is abundant in a place, you can opt for that material for your rooms, for example. In addition, a second condition, associated with the first, is that you minimize transportation, reducing the emission of greenhouse gases. These sustainable building materials are interesting and make a difference.
Opt for minimalist furniture
The principle of less is more is true in several areas, and interior design is one of them. The commitment to minimalist furniture implies the reduction of furniture to the minimum exponent. And, in addition, it is also necessary to go for simplicity, choosing models that are not overloaded or ostentatious.
Use of furniture with recycled materials
Furniture with recycled materials is a trend that has spread, especially in urban environments. And, why not say it, it is an economical and functional way to contribute to the environment. A recurring option is the use of pallets to assemble armchairs, sofas or tables. On the other hand, there are other possibilities such as the use of drums or barrels that can create different environments.
There has been a change of mentality nowadays: some materials that in the past were not valued, have been put in value. In just a few years, pallets have become an alternative for all types of living rooms or terraces.
Consider a long-term design
Long-term design is another aspect to consider. In the end, interior design is not conceived for a short time, but should be a long-term issue. Some examples are interior furniture environments are those of proximity and resistant, along with a good use of natural light. Therefore, oak or chestnut furniture is very useful if what you want is durability. This depends decisively on the work of each design specialist.
The truth is that, if you think about the interiors, you are not only going to focus on the furniture. You have to think about points such as windows, walls, ceilings, floors and, of course, colors and light. Therefore, a complete design will be one that takes into account all the elements that we have indicated above.
Use water-based paints
Water-based paints are a good option if you want to prioritize ecological sustainability. Think that these materials do not contain chemical elements, they are natural and, therefore, environmentally friendly. In addition, they also allow your walls to breathe, avoiding deterioration. In short, this is a practical example of sustainable and healthy interior design. Whenever possible, you should replace chemical paints with organic paints.